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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bawaan Penembak Jitu Russia (Russian Arsenal Of Sniper Rifles)

Afghanistan and other recent armed conflicts have increased the role of sniping, and the rise of organized crime and terrorism has set the authorities thinking about the police aspect of it. Due to this fact it is an opportunity to have a look at what weaponry the Russian snipers have at their disposal.

Dragunov sniper rifle

Its performance in general meets the Russian military requirements. However, a sniper has to perform the tasks corresponding to the rifle’s pattern of shooting. The dispersion is: 100 m – 8 cm, 200 m – 16 cm, 300 m – 24 cm and grows to 600 m according to the linear law.

The rifle does not ensure the hitting of the small targets at the 800 meter distance.

In any case the Dragunov sniper rifle is a unique weapon. It is the first and the only successful self-loading rifle using 7,62×54 bullet. The other similar systems turned out to be uncertain, had low durability and close grouping of shots.

It is also worth pointing out that this weapon is one of the best in the world due to the simplicity of its construction, reliable performance and efficiency of the automatics.

Soldiers who took part in different combat operations always talk about the Dragunov system with high respect.

An experienced rifleman could easily reach the enemy at the slope of the opposite hill at a distance of 700 m.

It is one of the world’s first rifles developed for the very sniping. A lot of constructional solutions were revolutionary for the time of its development.

Also it was added to the Soviet armory already with a special sniper bullet. The new construction with the improved aerodynamic form provided better results on pattern of shooting – 1,5 – 2 times better as compared to the bullets used previously. As a result in 1967 a new 7,62 caliber bullet was developed, today it is manufactured under 7H1 index.

Dragunov SVU (Shortened version of the Dragunov sniper rifle)

Development of the shorter version of the Dragunov rifle started in 1970-ies. However, it lived as a concept till the 90-ies. It was offered to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the operations within the city, where the increased portability of the rifle is the indubitable advantage.

Modifications of the SVU.

In this rifle the basic mechanisms and modified receiver is used. The sniper chooses the firing mode with the degree of pressing the trigger. Short pressing – individual fire, long one – automatic fire. The rifle is equipped with a folding support under the barrel. SVU is often used with a sight of fixed 4x zoom.

SVDK (Russian large-caliber sniper rifle)

This rifle was designed to increase the penetration while preserving the other characteristics of Dragunov sniper rifle.

The new 9,3×64 mm bullet was chosen for this aim.

However this piece of weaponry can hardly be called a sniper rifle as the bullet, originally designed for 300 meter distance didn’t show sufficient pattern of shooting.

It means that the SVDK can be best used at the distances less that 400 meters.


The rifle was developed about 10 years ago basing on sportsrifle. It shows the firing range of 800 meters and 50 mm pattern of shooting results at the distance of 300 meters.


A silent sniper rifle developed in the late 80-ies. It is projected for the silent and flameless fire.

In the daytime it shows the firing range of 400 meters, in the nighttime with a night sight – 300 meters.

The rifle is automatic with a switch to individual fire.

VSS parts.

The rifle has got an integrated silencer making the whole with the barrel. The noise volume is 130 decibel which corresponds to small-caliber rifles.

At the 400-meter distance this piece of weaponry makes a hole in 2-mm sheet of steel, after what the bullet preserves much killing power.


Modern variant with plastic buttstock and new flash eliminator.

In 1980-ies the rifles with a firing range of 2000 metres began to appear in the armories of different countries.

12,7-mm sniper rifle OSV-94. It is used for the hitting of the infantry, light-armoured machinery, missile and artillery facilities, blasting of sea and land mines. Automotive machinery may be hit at 2000 meters and infantry at 1200 meters.

Sights of various multiplication are installed.

5-bullet drum makes it possible to fire at a rather fast pace.

MC116-M is oriented for the sniper fire with standart 7H1 bullets. The firing range is 600 meters. It has detachable drum for 5 or 10 bullets and can be equipped with various telescopic sights. Its usage is rather limited due to the high price.


In 1980-ies a unique 6 mm bullet was developed by Soviet constructors and a rifle for it as well. The bullet was generally suitable for the military needs, but the rifle had some disadvantages to be improved. The rifle was not added to the armoury as the state entered a long-term crisis.

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