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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Alasan Angka '13' Adalah Angka Sial Dengan Sejuta Misteri Menakutkan

Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]. Friday the 13th: Angka Takhayul 13 banyak menimbulkan ketakutan akan kesialan dari angka 13 ini, Friday the 13th dikatakan beruntung karena menggabungkan sejarah hari sial dan angka sial. No 13 telah lama menyebabkan umat manusia gusar bahkan dari jaman dulu. Ini bahkan menyebabkan kondisi yang disebut Triskaidekaphobia, takut angka 13. Bahkan ketakutan untuk angka 13 telah menyebabkan beberapa keputusan yang aneh dan perilaku yang tidak biasa di masa lalu.

Friday The 13th: 13 Superstitions That Show Our Fear Of The Number 13 (PHOTOS). Friday the 13th is said to be unlucky because it combines a historically unlucky day and unlucky number. The No. 13 has long gotten the human race riled up — back to ancient times. It’s even led to a condition called triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13. That fear for 13 has led to some strange decisions and unusual behavior in the past. Here are 13 examples.

Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]
Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Despite this picture of hurricane damage in Mississippi, many cities don’t have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Blame your parents. If you have 13 letters in your name, you’re said to have the devil’s luck. Like, this guy (Charles Manson). Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Dinner luck. French President Nicolas Sarkozy may know that in France, socialites called quatorziens (fourteeners) make themselves available as 14th guests to keep a dinner party from an unlucky fate. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Many airports skip the 13th gate. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Airplanes have no 13th aisle. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Unlucky height, More than 80% of high rises lack a 13th floor. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Italians omit the number 13 from their national lottery. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

On streets in Florence, Italy, the house between number 12 and 14 is addressed as 12 and a half. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Many say the No. 13 pointed to the ill-fated mission to the moon, Apollo 13. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Historians say there were 13 people at Christ’s Last Supper and Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Some say that the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi (circa 1780 B.C.E.) is to blame for the No. 13 woes since the 13th law is Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

Tarot Card number 13 is the Death Card, depicting the Grim Reaper.. Friday the 13th!! Inilah 13 Alasan Mengapa Nomer 13 Angka SIAL penuh Takhayul Menakutkan [13 FOTO]

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